Mai 22. 2024

New Feature

Introducing Projects

You’ve created an amazing design or awesome case study, but how do you share it with the world? Getting eyes and feedback on your work is a messy process. We’ve created Projects to help Designers share, explain and discuss their work. Submit your latest and greatest designs to receive actionable feedback and get recognition from the Uxcel community.

What type of work can I submit as a Project?

Any type of design work can be turned into a Project, including case studies, design files or user research. You can submit your very best work or ask for request feedback from the community on an early stage idea. If you’re starting from scratch and looking for inspiration, check out our library of Design Briefs.

Design brief submissions are now projects

When you submit a new Design Brief, it will be published as a Project. If you’ve already submitted a Design brief, you can modify your submission to take advantage of the new features such as adding commentary and being able to reply to Project reviews.

🧠 Tip: Learn how to submit an awesome design brief in this article.

Give your work vital extra content

As Designers, we often struggle to provide commentary and insight into the decisions we’ve made. Projects lets you add a written overview to your work, supported by multiple screenshots or media that hone in on key parts of your files. Guide reviewers through your thinking and help them understand the intention behind your work.

Become a better designer with expert feedback

The best designers know that feedback is key to improving their work. Once published, your Project becomes a dedicated page and will be added to showcase. Uxcel mentors and community members will be able to rate your project and provide detailed reviews, and you reply directly to comments in the reviews section.

When you’ve taken your project’s reviews on board, jump back in to make the final touches.

🧠 Tip: See how reviews can grow your Designer profile here.

Build a powerful portfolio

Ever been asked to share examples of your work? Projects makes it easy. Every project you publish is automatically added to your ‘My Projects’ tab. You’ll always have a curated selection of your best work to share with potential employers.

Great work gets recognized

Any Project you submit is eligible for our regular Community and Editor’s choice awards. Award-winning projects will be tagged with a unique badge and highlighted in showcase. Crafting a great Project is an awesome way to get your work seen by over thousands of members, and you can share your accomplishment on LinkedIn or with potential employers.

Compete to win prizes

We’ll be hosting regular Design competitions with prizes for the best projects. Keep an eye out for upcoming challenges and put your skills to the test!

Projects for teams - a better way to handle your design reviews

Are you struggling to keep track of design reviews with files full of comments? Simplify your design crit process with Uxcel Projects. Empower your Design team with everything they need to upload, explain and take feedback on their latest and greatest work.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Projects can improve your Design team’s workflow, get in touch or start a free team trial today.